مع المصطفى-إنجليزي
Here are some moments of contemplation over some of the bright episodes of the life of Prophet Muhammad. Thus, it is hoped, will lead to a more thorough appreciation of the guidance power of each of the situations portrayed in the work. For rulers, this biography is a reference of justice, equity, and humility. For scholars, it is a road map on how to deliver knowledge most efficiently. For preachers, it shows the methodology of how to appeal to the others. Similarly, husbands can use it as a basis for the ideal treatment of their wives. Thus, everyone finds guidance in the biography of the Prophet whom God has designed to be the best exemplar of good behavior.
العنوان: مع المصطفى-إنجليزي
المؤلف: سلمان العودة
سنة النشر: 2017
عدد الصفحات: 300
الناشر: دار السلام
الغلاف: غلاف