مبادئ الإسلام - إنجليزي
Many a praising word has been and will be – written about the religion of Islam. However, these noble efforts and words of adoration do not do it justice unfortunately. Islam has been sealed; it is immortal and the greatest of all religions. It is the lasting word of Allah to all humans, rather the entire universe. Every age has had - and will have - people who carry Islam s message. This is what has led Dar al-Salam to adopt the idea to introduce a brief illustration of the principles of Islam and thus the aim of this book is to present a concise image to non-Muslims about the contemporary queries concerning Islam. The book exhibits the pillars of Islam with complete details regarding all of its various sections. I ask Allah, the Almighty, to accept this piece of work, make it for His sake sincerely and allow all readers to benefit from it
العنوان: مبادئ الإسلام - إنجليزي
المؤلف: مخمد سعيد حوى
سنة النشر: 2015
عدد الصفحات: 344
الناشر: دار السلام
الغلاف: مجلد